The blizzard in February had me stymied. As you can see from the pics, to uncover my car would take herculean strength and effort. Both of which I am amiss. Thank God an angel of mercy was provided in the nature of my upstairs neighbor, Tony. With a smile on his face and snowbrush and shovel in hand, my car was cleared. To show my appreciation, I crocheted this scarf. A million thanks Tony!

Various Items of Clothing
A bathrobe made for my great-nephew. I'd made robes for all of the grandnieces so naturally I couldn't ignore my precious wee boy. Given with much love sweetheart.
This my first attempt at designing and creating a sweater jacket for myself. It has a one-button closure at the top.
I was dying to find a project for my hot pink and sexy yarn. I found this pattern for a v-neck tank top for me. Fitting the skirt to the bodice was a challenge. Consequently, the pattern was altered slightly. I am extremely happy with the comfort of wear.
A skirt made for my nephew's love. Her daughters were made skirts last year. This was mom's turn this year. I hope she enjoys the wear.
I was really happy with the out turn of this vest made for my eldest grandniece. I had to improvise the closure for the pattern was not clear at the end. I think I will try to adjust the pattern to fit plus sizes so that I can have one too.
Babies, Babies, Babies!!!!
Babies, Babies, Babies!!!!
Did it seem like their was an explosion of births last year? My family, friends and neighbors were blessed with the sweet additions to their families. This gave me the opportunity to practice making baby items. Below you see the results of my effortsl I really enjoyed the tiny footwear. Aren't the little sandals adorable?

For the bedroom

1 comment:
Love the pink vest!
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